Friday, June 02, 2006

Much school, little crafty

I've been remiss about taking pictures of my latest work, which should be remedied this weekend. Of course, I also haven't had much time to get much craftiness done lately. This weekend needs to see some sewing happen. I've got curtains to hem, and satchets to whip up. (C.K. - I haven't forgotten!) Hopefully a bit of spinning will transpire as well.

Today is the last day of classes, which means I've been up to my eyeballs in grading and student emails. But, things are winding down, and now I'm getting a bit weepy over saying goodbye to this quarter's crop. (Well, maybe not weepy.) It's been a good quarter, and this group of students has been fantastic. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive bunch to have during a quarter that saw me disappearing not once, but twice, for funerals in NY. They've been great!

In small but mildly exciting news, I'm narrowing down a date for my dissertation defense! Should be the 2nd week in August... though picking one actual day is going to be tough. 5 committee members, 5 different schedules... this could get sticky. But, it'll happen, and I should (*hope*pray*) be a doctor by my 29th birthday.

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