Friday, January 13, 2006

Who'll stop the rain?

I really should post more often.

It's been a blah week. We've just been slogging along in the record-breaking Seattle rain, drinking our coffee and dreaming of high-carb snacks and napping. This has not made for the most productive week.

This quarter's class is going really well. The students have taken to their projects with a lot of enthusiasm, and my life as a TA is going swell.

In theory, I'm working on the dissertation. I should be spending more time arranging the intro, but haven't been terribly enthusiastic about it. I'm convincing myself that being pokey is ok, since I'm also doing an experiment currently. The pokiness will not be tolerated (by me) for long, as getting this bitch done and wrapped up is my ticket out of here. And as the news crawl in my head constantly reminds me, being done = getting a job = buying a house = getting a dog. And we all know that that's what I'm about, right?

Tonight is to be date night, although I have to admit that I'm looking forward to sleeping even more. It's such a sad state of affairs around here - it's not as if I'm sleep-deprived... the weather has just leeched the will to function right out of me. I am, however, looking forward to getting in some spinning and sewing this weekend. Watch for a pictorial update soon!

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