Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Saturday for doing

Huzzah! Thursday is Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving. I love making a ton of food. Whether I'm feeding the two of us (most years) or 10 of us (this year), I love to make lots and lots of yummy holiday foods. For some reason, this tendency seems to upset others around me (my husband, my sister?), but it's my favorite way to spend my favorite holiday. Plus - leftovers!

This year I got an early start, and got lots of yummy bits made today, including 4 pie crusts (hooray pie!) and sweet potato crescent rolls (many thanks to my friend Liz for sharing the recipe years ago). These are in the freezer now, awaiting the big day. The fridge has also been cleaned and arranged, and the turkey is thawing and dreaming of it's upcoming briny bath.

During rising & baking time, I also got some spinning in. A pretty aqua yarn that I'm pleased with. Pictures are forthcoming. And I've been knitting and knitting, but only on Christmas gifts, so no pictures for a while.

I managed to pursuade H to see "For Your Consideration" with me tonight. Although the ensemble was funny as always, especially ad libbing most the movie, the writers really ought to have outlined a plot for the movie. Despite lots of giggles, I spent the whole movie waiting for it to start. Such a bummer, given how much I adore the Christopher Guest troupe. (Note to said: Please stop re-making "Waiting for Guffman" - it wasn't strong in the first place, and certainly does not bear reenactment.)

1 comment:

Elle said...

I cannot believe you didn't enjoy "Waiting for Guffman"! That and "Best in Show" no wait, "Spinal Tap" are my favorites. Eh, who am I kidding, I love them all. I suppose it is funnier if you've ever been in a musical/theater production. Those people really do exist. One day I'll expound on my experiences.