Sunday, September 11, 2005


This being my first blog post, it's mostly just a test. I thought I'd start this for several reasons. Primarily, I'm the only person left on earth without a blog, so y'know... Also, I figured it would be a good spot to stash all of those thoughts I don't have another place for. We'll see how this goes. I'm not good with journalling, so it will probably be spotty at best. Here we go...


freethoughtguy said...

Welcome to blogville! You'll do just fine!

Erin said...

Welcome, Super-Sis, to the wonderful world of Blogsville. It's a magical place where random thoughts and secrets bloom, and all you need is to FEEL...

i'm so happy you're going to try this out -- you'll always have an audience!

love you!
*la belle peach*

Annigan said...

Feel? What kind of space cadet are you? Stinky hippy! :P